A Thankful Thanksgiving

As Thanksgiving nears, it is a perfect time to take a break from the busy weekly routines of school, after-school activities and homework to spend time together as a family. The days off of school are not just an opportunity to catch up on sleep and feast on delicious food, but they can be a time to focus on family and relationships by planning meaningful and memorable activities together.  Below I share some of my favorite family activities to do this time of year.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family from LS Tutors!


Lori Solovey

Owner, LS Tutors

A Years Worth of Thanks

jarThis January, start the year with an empty jar and fill it with notes about good things that happen to your family during the year.  Maybe it is a compliment you wish to offer your son or daughter about a strength you admire or maybe it is a congratulations for getting an A on an exam. Maybe it is a funny story that happened on a family trip or a moment you were really proud.  Then, on New Years Eve, open the jar and take turns reading the notes together as a family!

Give Thanks in Your Own Way

thank-you-noteThis is really what it’s all about: Giving thanks for family, friends, the holiday feast, and other good fortune. Relatives and guests can give thanks for something verbally at the dinner table, write and exchange Thanksgiving thank-you cards, or find another unique way to give thanks. Showing gratitude in some way will help children learn about the true spirit of Thanksgiving.


Research Your Family Tree

familyThanksgiving is a perfect time to help your kids learn about their family history. With grandparents and older relatives around, children can dive into their genealogy and practice their interviewing skills while learning about t their family roots.  You can use a printable tree or an online program like  ancestry.com to help record details.

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